Close the Giving Gap
Help us build a movement where every Black-led organization has the support it needs to fully impact its community.
Support Black led nonprofits
We are building a coalition of purpose driven businesses that want to support Black-led organizations and communities. Whether through amplification, funding, or insights we could use your help. Show your community you BackBlack and learn more about what you can do to support the movement.
Join our partners
Frequently asked questions
BackBlack is a collaborative initiative aimed at directing more resources and funding to underserved Black-led organizations, as well as offering tools for donors and corporations to advance social impact and justice in philanthropy and communities. is a central hub where donors, giving platforms, and Black-led nonprofits and organizations can connect each other with resources and funding to achieve shared goals.
BackBlack is the first activation from the Giving Platform Collaborative, a partnership of major fundraising platforms in the U.S. working together to solve disparities in philanthropy.
BackBlack partner organizations include Bonterra, Charity Navigator, Charityvest, Deed,,, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Give 8/28 Day, Givebutter, Giving Compass Network, Giving Gap, GlobalGiving, Grapevine, HERitage Giving Fund, Lightful, MightyCause, Network for Good DAF, PayPal, and Philanthropy Together.
Black-led nonprofits are underfunded by donors compared to White-led organizations. Revenues of Black-led nonprofits are 24% smaller than revenues of their White-led counterparts, and unrestricted net assets are 76% smaller, according to Echoing Green and The Bridgespan Group. White-led nonprofits are also more likely to receive corporate donations — 71% vs 58% for BIPOC-led nonprofits, according to the Nonprofit Finance Fund.
Combined funding to Black communities makes up 1% of all community foundation funding while the combined Black population is 15%, resulting in an underfunding of Black communities of $2 billion, according to the National Center for Responsive Philanthropy.
Giving platforms have tremendous influence on where donors choose to give. By connecting Black-led organizations with resources and funding opportunities, BackBlack is taking action to close the funding gap and advance equal opportunity in philanthropy.
As BackBlack connects Black-led organizations with giving platforms and donors, we hope to bring on new corporate and community partners.
With data from our partner organizations, BackBlack hopes to generate new insights on racial disparities in philanthropy and determine effective means of closing the funding gap.
Sure- check out our press release here.
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The Association of Black Fundraising Executives (ABFE) describes Black-led social change as organizations that are primarily directed by Black individuals, with a majority Black board and executive leadership, and, where relevant, Black staff leadership and constituents. The core mission of these organizations is to amplify the political, economic, and social power of the Black community. Therefore, "Black-led" not only refers to the racial identity and demographic makeup of the leadership but also to the organization's commitment to empowering the Black community to ensure its success and well-being.
To participate in BackBlack 2024 and to be eligible for funding from our partners, we require that at least 50% of the leadership, board, AND/OR staff are Black, and that at least 50% of your programming benefits the Black community. Our team will conduct a check to confirm.
We are looking to support organizations that
Mobilize community engagement: Rally your community through online fundraising, volunteer opportunities, social media campaigns, or email blasts and,
Effectively show the organization’s mission and impact: Share engaging videos, photos, graphics, campaign updates, or livestreams.
We will be making micro-donations of up to $2,000 to verified Black-led and Black-benefiting nonprofits. As part of our commitment to trust-based philanthropy, there are no stipulations to receive the donation, and no reporting is necessary.